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Cops, Drugs, Lawyer X and Me Customer Reviews
:- 1.0 out of 5 stars from Tony McCormick -- Maybe yes and maybe no : I can't help feeling that I'm getting a carefully coiffed version of the story when reading this book. I gave it away half way through. ( Reviewed in Australia on October 9, 2020 )
- 4.0 out of 5 stars from Rod Diery -- Thought provoking : Very interesting take on the long rumoured corruption in Victoria Police. Paul Dale tells a somewhat convincing tale that lifts the lid on the tangled web woven by both the lawman and the lawless. ( Reviewed in Australia on March 23, 2020 )
- 5.0 out of 5 stars from Myay -- A Compelling Story of Injustice : Even if 10% of this is true, you can't but be appalled at how compromised our criminal justice system is. ( Reviewed in Australia on October 4, 2020 )
- 4.0 out of 5 stars from leannemt2 -- Great book : Interesting read. So much has been written in the press. It was interesting to hear the other side. Complicated story told clearly and simply. ( Reviewed in Australia on September 23, 2020 )
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:Cops, Drugs, Lawyer X And Me By Paul Dale «Cops, Drugs, Lawyer X And Me» В Apple Books (Pdf)->Read Cops, Drugs, Lawyer X And Me By Paul Dale Full... Cops, Drugs, Lawyer X And Me: Paul Dale Talks Royal Commission In... Comp Closed: 'Cops, Drugs, Lawyer X And Me' By Paul Dale... Download Mobi Pdf Cops, Drugs, Lawyer X And Me Pdf Cops, Drugs, Lawyer X And Me Cops Drugs Lawyer X And Me By Paul Dale 9780733643804 | Ebay Cops, Drugs, Lawyer X And Me By Vikki Petraitis | Hachette Uk Cops, Drugs, Lawyer X And Me / Paul Dale & Vikki Petraitis Start by marking "Cops, Drugs, Lawyer X and Me" as Want to Read There are a lot of reasons, and I hope this story will help clarify some of them, not only for you, the reader, but for me too, because a lot of the time I am left shaking my head, wondering how things went so wrong.' There are a lot of reasons, and I hope this story will help clarify some of them, not only for you, the reader, but for me too, because a lot of the time I Paul Dale knows he is tainted. After almost fifteen years as a cop, working in Homicide and rising to the rank of Detective Sergeant in the Victorian Drug... What running taught me about life, laughter and coming last BY Lisa Jackson Full Book. (^EPUB)->Read A Scrap of Paper: Breaking and Making International Law During the Great War BY Isabel V. Hull Full Version. Paul Dale admits he has never been able to move on. And whether you believe he is innocent or not, he has remained in the headlines for the better part of a decade - more recently caught up in the Lawyer X scandal and subsequent royal commission. This week's book giveaway is Cops, Drugs, Lawyer X and Me - the astonishing true story of Paul Dale, a cop who found himself enmeshed in the But when he was accused and jailed firstly for drug offences and then for murder, Dale realised the murky world he was navigating was going to take him... Cops, Drugs, Lawyer X and Me.pdf. ISBN. 6339743585176. In 2009 he found himself on remand charged with the murder of Terence and ... Prices (including delivery) for Cops, Drugs, Lawyer X and Me by Paul Dale, Vikki Petraitis. item 7 COPS DRUGS LAWYER X & ME 7 -COPS DRUGS LAWYER X & ME. The Majestic Quran Arabic Text With Plain English Translation Hardback X 10. After almost fifteen years as a cop, working in Homicide and rising to the rank of Detective Sergeant in the Victorian Drug Squad, he saw the He turned to Nicola Gobbo, a lawyer and friend he thought could help: the lawyer who became known as Lawyer X. Eventually exonerated of any crimes, Paul... Dale, Paul. & Petraitis, Vikki. (2020). Cops, drugs, Lawyer X and me. Sydney, NSW : Hachette Australia. MLA Citation. Paul Dale knows he is tainted. After almost fifteen years as a cop, working in Homicide and rising to the rank of Detective Sergeant in the Victorian Drug Squad, he saw the worst...
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